KWK-TMAA Workshop, July 2024

The Ki-Whang Kim Traditional Martial Arts Association held its monthly workshop on July 20, 2024 at Ken Zen Do Foxhall and Wellness in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Grand Master Raymond Lee reviewed one-step sparring, Chibana Kong Sang Koon and Sabom Kwon.

Promotional Exam, June 2024

KenZen-Do Martial Arts hosted a promotional exam on June 17, 2024 in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Rory T., Eleanor G. and Taiji N. tested for their Black Belt and were admitted to the KenZen-Do Karate Black Belt Club. Dima Osipov and Kevin Hume tested for 2nd degree Black Belts. Ricky Feizbakhsh and Bernard Floyd were promoted […]

KWK-TMAA Workshop, June 2024

The Ki-Whang Kim Traditional Martial Arts Association held its monthly workshop on June 22, 2024 at Ken Zen Do Foxhall and Wellness in Chevy Chase, Maryland. GM Cheeks reviewed the kata Jion.

KWK-TMAA Workshop, March 2024

The Ki-Whang Kim Traditional Martial Arts Association held its monthly workshop on March 23, 2024 at Ken Zen Do Foxhall and Wellness in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Grand Master Albert Cheeks and Grand Master Raymond Lee went over Naihanchi 1 and Naihanchi 2, Sabom Kwon, various fighting techniques, and various training techniques.

KWK-TMAA October 2023 Workshop

The Ki Whang Kim Traditional Martial Arts Association hosted a workshop at KenZen-Do Karate & Foxhall Wellness in October. Participating masters included Master Ricky Feizbakhsh, GM Frank Jones, GM Clarence Smith and GM Raymond Lee, and Master Ben Sumner.

KWK-TMAA July 2023 Workshop

The the Ki Whang Kim Traditional Martial Arts Association hosted a workshop at KenZen-Do Karate & Foxhall Wellness in July, led by GM Albert Cheeks.

KWK-TMAA April 2023 Workshop

Here are photos of the the Ki Whang Kim Traditional Martial Arts Association host a workshop at KenZen-Do Karate & Foxhall Wellness in April.